Cabbage beef soup, glazed pork with sweet potatoes, buttermilk and herb chicken breasts, pasta alfredo and Chinese fried rice
Sadly our snow has mostly disappeared, and everything is grey and dirty and wet. All the more reason to keep meals bright and cozy!
On the menu November 17 - 23, 2019:
Sunday Leftovers / eat out / takeout
Monday Cabbage Patch Soup with buns and cheese
I have been making this soup for years, and to date, I haven't found a better cabbage and ground beef soup. This one is from the "Crazy Plates" cookbook by Janet and Greta Podleski. This recipe serves 8 so it's a great one if you need leftovers for lunches or a busy week.
This is a super quick and easy recipe showcasing pork tenderloin and sweet potato cooked with apple. So, so tasty! The brussel sprouts are amazing, too! Just make sure that you don't accidentally tip your pan so that the glaze runs off the parchment paper. It will not come off without a lot of elbow grease!
Wednesday Buttermilk and Herb Chicken Breasts with cauliflower and Ultra Crispy Baked Potato Wedges
My mother always told me not to serve a meal where all the foods were the same colour, but since that's what I had on hand, that's what happened tonight. I had some buttermilk in the fridge a few weeks ago since I had made pancakes, and this was a great way to use some of it up. These chicken breasts are frozen ahead of time and then thawed overnight in the fridge before cooking. The buttermilk makes them moist and tender. And I know we had these potato wedges last week, but I couldn't resist making them again. This time I used those little tiny potatoes cut in half and they worked great and cooked in about half the time.
Thursday Leftovers / eat out / takeout
Tonight I served green salads with leftover chicken from last night cut up on top. Fast and yummy!
Friday Easy Pasta Alfredo with Caesar salad
My son requested pasta tonight, so that's what we had. It's always so nice to have a "go-to" quick and tasty recipe that you know you have the ingredients for. Leftover chicken goes great on the side with this, or ham, or really any meat, or keep it vegetarian and cook some broccoli or cauliflower.
Saturday Chinese Fried Rice
I love this recipe when I need to clean out the fridge, and it's one of our favourite ways to enjoy leftover chicken. Tonight I added a whole bag of bean sprouts, finely chopped mushrooms, carrots, peas and onions. Always good!
#quickandeasymeals #weeknightmeals #mealplanning #eatmoreveggies #soup #alltheveggies #ilovesoup #allthesoup