winter lentil and vegetable soup, leek and potato soup, roast chicken dinner, vegetable pizza
As I mentioned in my last post, I took some time to savour the season, which meant a break from posting over the holidays. I know a holiday menu may not be helpful now that it's actually January, but maybe you can refer back to it for next year.
I hope you and yours enjoyed the merriest of Christmases, full of joy, peace, and love. And if you don't celebrate Christmas, I hope your holidays were wonderful.
I had some fun playing with Christmas ornaments in the yard after a snowfall. Although our Christmas wasn't very white, I was grateful for the bit of snow we did have.

On the menu December 22 - 28, 2019:
Sunday Leftovers / eat out / takeout
Monday Winter Lentil and Vegetable Soup with fresh buns and cheese
This soup was perfect for today in a few ways... First of all, it was low in calories (which helps make up for all the Christmas cookies I've been eating lately!) and secondly, it was very economical. I was able to use up the last of a bag of green lentils and some other odds and ends that were hanging around. (I may have mentioned before how much I love that!) Thirdly and perhaps most importantly, it was hearty, satisfying and really tasty.
Tuesday Happy-Go-Leeky Soup with fresh buns and green salad
Soup seems like the right choice to compensate for all the sweets in the house right now. This also helped clean up some veggies I needed to use and I happened to have all of the ingredients in the house, even the fresh dill. I had enough leeks to double the recipe so it made a lot of soup. That was good because we had a lot of people to serve!
Wednesday (Christmas Day) Roast Chicken Dinner with apple pie
It's our family's tradition to serve a roast chicken for supper on Christmas Day. This year, we served one from Trick's Creek Farm. My son and I were there yesterday and because it's been so mild, the chickens were still running around outside! Once cooked, this bird didn't look so pretty because it was completely falling off the bone (and perfectly moist), but it was so awesome! I would highly recommend their poultry. We served it alongside mashed potatoes, gravy, roasted carrots, turnip, and my mom's amazing dressing. For dessert, we had homemade apple pie. In my endeavor to truly savor the season, I failed to take a photo of my plate. My apologies... Next year!
Thursday (Boxing Day) Vegetable Pizza and Appetizers
I've been making this veggie pizza for years but I've never tried it with sour cream. I always use mayonnaise, but apparently either work well. I also use a teaspoon of ranch dressing instead of garlic powder. I got the recipe from the wife of one of my former bosses. My whole family loves this. We usually serve a variety of appetizers for supper on Boxing Day, so along with the veggie pizza, we served a shrimp ring, a cheese board, a salmon spread, crackers and veggies and dip. Love it! Some people are a little thrown by the idea of a cold pizza, but trust me, it is amazing.
Friday Pierogies with green salad
My brother took over the cooking tonight (thanks, Gar!) and he made pierogies with fried shallots and peppers topped with grated cheddar cheese, sour cream and green onions. Yummy!
Saturday Leftovers / eat out / takeout
After a busy week of cooking and baking, I took the night off and we went out to eat.
#quickandeasymeals #weeknightmeals #mealplanning #allthesoup #eatmoreveggies #soup #alltheveggies #iloveveggies #ilovesoup