Indian coconut curry chicken thighs, vegetable beef noodle soup, beef and broccoli, veggie Greek pita bowls, chicken and veggie stuffed spaghetti squash and chicken with artichokes and sundried tomatoes
Personally, I've found that a useful tool for helping to keep panic at bay is to count and focus on my blessings. (And also limit the amount of news that I watch or read!) I'm so grateful to be safe at home with my family. I'm also really grateful that I enjoy cooking, and that we've still been able to get most of the things that we need. I'm trying to be flexible and learn from this situation. It is certainly one for the history books!
I'm still finding it somewhat challenging to remove the idea from my brain that I can just hop in the car and go to the store. I noticed this week at the grocery store that nearly everyone is wandering around carrying a list. Those have become super important these days, and that's why I continue to find planning so helpful.
I'd like to encourage you to think of these recipes as "jumping off points" - ideas to inspire you. If you don't have the exact ingredients on hand that a recipe calls for, search up a similar recipe that uses ingredients you do have. Maybe you don't have any ground beef, so you can't make your usual tacos, but you do have a can of lentils (or even some dried ones), so you decide to give lentil tacos a try. There are millions of recipes online and so many different ways to create each dish. Find the one that works best for you and your family.
On the menu March 29 - April 4, 2020:
Sunday Indian Coconut Curry Chicken Thighs with brown basmati rice and Naan bread
I'm not sure what it is about the fragrance of Garam Masala spice and coconut milk, but I just love it. This dish was a little spicier than I usually make (maybe the curry powder and ginger?) but it was a warm spicy rather than hot, and I personally found that it sort of faded as I continued eating. We enjoyed this so much. I had frozen some fresh cilantro a few weeks ago, so everything I needed for this was in my pantry and freezer. The Naan bread (also from the freezer) was great for soaking up any extra sauce and I served it over some brown basmati rice but you could easily use whole wheat couscous. You could also use chicken breasts instead of thighs. The recipe comes from my favourite cookbook, "Yum and Yummer" by Greta Podleski.
Monday Vegetable Beef Noodle Soup with Quick Cheese Biscuits
This is my son's favourite "stew" as he calls it, and before he left for work he asked if there would be any leftovers for him. (Of course!) it is definitely the best beef noodle soup I've ever tasted. To stretch the stewing beef, I usually cut it into 1-inch pieces, but you can easily double this recipe. I may have had it simmering just a tad too high this afternoon since I had to add some additional beef broth, but regardless, the flavour was superb. In spite of the long cooking time, the soup itself comes together quickly, and then you can pretty much just simmer it and forget it until mealtime. Trick's Creek Farm's stewing beef was perfect in this - melt-in-your mouth.
Tuesday Beef & Broccoli Stirfry with basmati rice
We had some striploin steaks in the freezer from Trick's Creek Farm and since it's been a while since I made my son's most-requested Chinese dish, tonight was the night. You can't go wrong with this recipe. I added some sugar snap peas as well as some julienned orange pepper to make it go a bit further this time. This is really good and comes together in minutes - from Greta Podleski's "Yum & Yummer" cookbook. If you're looking for great beef, you've got to check out Trick's Creek Farm if you live in or near Huron County. They're local and they may be able to organize delivery or pickup of their superior organic, grass-fed beef.
Wednesday Veggie Greek Pita Bowls
The actual recipe I used for these came from a magazine called "Forks Over Knives". Unfortunately, it wasn't available online, but the linked recipe above is close. It would be very easy to add some chicken and feta to this if you like. (We love feta!) You could also use whole wheat couscous instead of quinoa if you prefer. Yummy and vegetarian!
Thursday Leftovers / takeout / frozen pizza
Totally loved this!! It was so satisfying and delicious, and a different way to serve spaghetti squash. I've had one sitting on my counter for several weeks (it's a great vegetable to have on hand that keeps really well) and thought it might be time to use it. Most of the veggies in this dish are ones that keep well and that I had here. You could also use frozen spinach or maybe even kale if you have it. I will be making this again.
Saturday Chicken with Artichokes and Sundried Tomatoes and Caesar salad
This is a wonderful recipe that is special enough for company (if we could have any!) and uses pantry ingredients. It was so flavourful! I added some cherry tomatoes to our Caesar salad because I had them, and they went well in it. I will be making this again as well. I used spaghetti rather than angel hair pasta because it's what I had on hand. Super!
#quickandeasymeals #weeknightmeals #mealplanning #eatmoreveggies #alltheveggies #iloveveggies #allrecipes #trickscreekfarm