Quinoa vegetable soup, marmalade pork tenderloin, cheese cloud on creamy chicken, tex-mex turkey tacos, vegetarian shepherd's pie and tandoori chicken
I tried a few new recipes this week as well as a really "oldie but goodie". I first began cooking supper for my family back when I was in Grade 7 or 8. My mom went back to work full-time and I was asked to prepare supper for our family a few times a week. My "go-to" cookbook back then was Betty Crocker's "Dinner in a Dish", but I haven't cooked anything from it in years. Mom recently gave it to me and it's been fun to reminisce and remember recipes that we tried from it. Cooking from it this week took me right back to our stylish 1980's kitchen with its gold-coloured stove and huge gold poppy-flowered wallpaper. I don't really miss either of those, but I have missed some of those dishes! I still remember cooking supper after school, and those are happy memories for me. I hope making these recipes gives you and your family some happy memories as well.
I will definitely be making several of these recipes again. Loved them all!!
On the menu February 16 - 22, 2020:
Sunday Quinoa Vegetable Soup with Quick Cheese Biscuits
I had all the ingredients on hand for this recipe, including the kale from last weekend that I wanted to use up, and some other veggies as well. We really enjoyed this hearty soup. It was flavourful and just plain good. Of course, the Cheese Biscuits take any meal over the top, at least in our opinion! I failed to get a photo of the soup, but it was as good as it looked. I used butternut squash and red pepper as my "seasonal" vegetables.
Monday Marmalade Pork Tenderloin with green salad
My son isn't really a fan of fruit with meat, and particularly not citrus fruit, but I loved this quick and easy dish. I cooked my pork longer than the recipe called for (about 40 minutes or so) because we like it well done. The roasted carrots and shallots were delicious, and the sauce was so easy! I thought it was just perfect on the pork. I had trouble finding heirloom carrots this week, but I found some that were a pretty purple on the outside and bright orange on the inside. I'm sure that regular carrots would be just fine, too. If you'd like to add a carb, mashed potatoes or wild rice would go well with this recipe. I added some chopped apple, grapes, roasted pumpkin seeds, dried cranberries, and goat cheese to our spinach salad as an accompaniment.
Tuesday Cheese Cloud on Creamy Chicken with green salad
This recipe comes from Betty Crocker's "Dinner in a Dish" and the last time I made it, I was about 12. It thought this was a little "fussy" as I made it tonight, and I was a bit surprised at my 12-year old self for tackling it, but it was really good. My son loved it and he doesn't usually like peas very much. Tonight I used a no-salt-added Cream of Chicken Soup and then added in about 1/2 tsp of salt. (I can't imagine how salty this would have been if I had used regular Cream of Chicken plus the salt the recipe calls for! How times change.) I may have been a little too generous with the dried parsley (I didn't have any fresh), and I relented and purchased a jar of pimientos. We didn't miss the fresh parsley since we don't really like it that much. This dish was delicious and worth a little extra effort.
Wednesday Slow Cooker Tex Mex Turkey Tacos
I had a group of my dearest friends over for supper tonight and since it was a really busy day, I was grateful to have this cooking all day in my slow cooker. Prep was super easy since I didn't have to brown the ground turkey. Love that! This was tasty and came together quickly at the end of the day as well. We topped our tacos with diced tomatoes, red onion and more salsa in addition to the lettuce, grated cheese, and sour cream. Sorry - no photos!
Thursday Leftovers / eat out / takeout
Friday Vegetarian Shepherd's Pie with green salad
One of my dearest friends, Steph, recently tried this recipe and she highly recommended it. It's a great recipe, especially if you are looking to cut down on your meat consumption. It tastes awesome and is so economical. It's definitely going in the binder of recipes I am creating for my son as he heads off to college. A can of lentils cost just $1.29 this week, so you can hardly beat that. Add in a package of fresh mushrooms (around $2.99), one carrot, an onion, and two potatoes and you've got almost everything you need for this speedy, tasty meal. We added a little cheese to the mashed potato topping for some extra flavour. And if you use the food processor to chop your veggies, no one need ever know there are mushrooms in this pie. Super good! Great as leftovers as well, if you have any. Serves 4.
Saturday Tandoori Chicken with Roasted Vegetables and basmati rice
Sometimes you get a craving for something, and you just have to make it yourself. It's been a while since we've had Indian food, either at home or in a restaurant and since there are few options in this area when it comes to that, I decided to try my hand at making some at home again (last time I made Chicken Korma). I've had really good luck with Skinnytaste recipes and they are nearly always awesome. This was no exception! The only thing I would change was that I couldn't find any fresh cilantro, and the tube of herbs just isn't the same. In spite of that, this was a lovely change of pace and really, really good. You could easily skip the rice and you've got a perfect carb-free meal. Bonus - there is no gluten either. Note: The recipe does recommend marinating the meat for at least 1 hour or overnight, so there is a little preparation required ahead of time, but it makes the chicken so tender, you won't mind! Leftovers are wonderful.
#quickandeasymeals #skinnytaste #weeknightmeals #mealplanning #eatmoreveggies #alltheveggies #ilovesoup #soup #iloveveggies #canadianliving